Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Homework 9/30

The homework today is math and reading. Students can either read a book or do Raz-kids online for 20 minutes. The choice is theirs! The math homework is shown below if your child needs your help/support at home. The kids will be taking a test tomorrow on these concepts we have been learning the last few weeks in math. I think they will do great! Also, sorry for any confusion about parent teacher conferences. They will start on the 13th of October. If you haven't already, please sign up for a time here :   Look forward to seeing you soon!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Homework 9/23

Hello! The homework tonight is math and spelling. The math is attached and the spelling list is off to the right. The students ONLY need to do the spelling homework for Wednesday. Thanks for being supportive parents!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Homework 9/22

The homework tonight is a math practice page (picture shown) and spelling. If you have any questions, let me know! :) 

Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21 homework

The homework tonight is the Monday spelling homework (list located on the right side of this webpage), reading and keyboarding practice. The keyboarding game is linked to the right side of my webpage. If for some reason, you can't access it, feel free to have them do any keyboarding game. The important thing is that they are practicing typing, not what game they are playing! :) For reading, your child can choose raz kids or a regular AR book. Once they are done with the book, they may hop onto the AR site to take a comprehension test. When they earn AR points (or raz kids) they will get to move up on our progress board in the classroom and earn ticketsand other perks. I sent home directions for how to get your child to log in to the AR website to take a test. If you have any questions on this please let me know. :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Homework 9/16

Hello! The homework tonight is the math extra practice page and the nightly spelling, which is listed in the picture to the right.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Homework 9/15

Hello, the homework tonight is the math practice test page that was sent home today and spelling homework. The nightly spelling homework list is located to the right. The students will take a math test tomorrow on this content! As always, let me know if you have questions!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Words Their Way

Hello Parents! I have been dividing the class into different groups all weekend preparing to begin Words Their Way. This is a differentiated spelling program that will help your child's specific needs in spelling. This program really focuses on finding patterns in spelling and will ultimately help with your child's overall reading and spelling skills. In the coming weeks, you will see your students have different spelling sorts that will help them with the spelling tests we will have in class. There may NOT be a spelling test every Friday because some of these words will take more time for students to find patterns and therefore, I don't want to squeeze in a test before they are ready. I will be sure to keep you and your child updated when there will be a spelling test.

The first week, every student will be on the same spelling sort (same words). The following week, they will be divided into groups that target the needs they have and therefore, students will have different words. The first week, students will all be on the same words so that they can become familiar with the activities that go along with this new spelling program.

I have also posted a new website for your child to practice spelling. This website is great because it reviews the sounds that come from their spelling words and actually helps them connect the sound to the letter in each word. I have linked this website in the "Academic Resources" section in the upper right hand side of my website. The link is called "Spelling City".

Finally, I have attached a picture of the nightly spelling homework so that it is always available. This will stay the same every day. The homework from every night will be due Friday. I will collect it from each student on Friday. I will not take it daily because I want them to be able to use all of it to help them study for their spelling test!

As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homework 9/10

Hello! Here is Thursday night's homework. There is math (picture and answers provided) as well as reading OR a keyboarding game for 20 minutes. The math is required, and students can choose either reading, Raz Kids or keyboarding for 20 minutes. The keyboarding link is on the upper right hand side of my homepage. If your child feels that they have already read all the books in Raz-Kids, I've asked that they read a regular chapter book instead to keep it engaging and challenging for them. Have a good day! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Homework 9/9

Hello! The homework tonight is reading for 20 minutes (students can choose a regular book or Raz-Kids) and math homework. The students started it in class, so whatever they have leftover is homework. I uploaded my answer key to help you as parents, if you're having a difficult time understanding some of the new common core vocabulary. Hope you find this helpful! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Behavior Section in the Homework Log

Hello parents! You may have noticed that I added a section to the homework log. This section is all about behavior. Everyday, I will be asking students to self-assess their behavior for the day. They may rate themselves on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the best behavior. Having students self-assess makes them take responsibility for reflecting on their own behavior instead of me telling them what their behavior is. I find that this makes it much more meaningful to the students and will, hopefully, provide them with daily goals to manage their behavior.

If their self-assessment is circled in purple, that means that I saw their assessment and agree with their score. If I do not agree with it, I will circle (with marker) my opinion and I may write a comment in the section provided to explain why.

Hopefully as you have been able to tell, I like to keep a very open line of communication with parents, and I think this is another thing that will allow you to better gage your child's behavior so that we can work as a team to improve or reward their behavior!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! :)

Homework 9/8

Sorry to get this up so late! I have been in trainings right after school! The homework tonight is for students to complete the "extra practice" math page and play some keyboarding games on the link provided in the upper right hand corner of my website home page!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Fun Math Games!

Hello! I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing and safe holiday weekend! I did some searching this weekend for some fun math games that we will be playing in class this week and I wanted to post them here so that you could play at home with your child! The link includes directions as well as the printouts to play! Hope you enjoy it with your child as much as I did forcing my family to play with me to test it out. ;)

Click Here to get the Math Game!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

9/2 Homework

Hello! The homework tonight is spelling and finish the math page that they started in class. The spelling is due Friday, the math is due tomorrow. Also, my username for raz kids is khill23 if your child needs to add me as their teacher. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

9/1 Homework

Today's homework is for them to finish the practice page we started in class, Lesson 4 Question Set.  Students also have spelling this week, but it's not due until Friday. :)