Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving and Quick Announcement!

First of all, Happy early Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family enjoy this time together to celebrate the many things we have to be thankful for. I am truly thankful to have your child in my class!

Second, I wanted to give you a copy of the math assessment we will be taking the first week we come back from break. We have been practicing all of these concepts, but I think students could use a little extra practice over the break, specifically in rounding to the tens and hundreds. Rounding is a very abstract and difficult concept to understand, so any extra practice will help. So if your child REALLY misses school ( :) )  and they would like to take a look ahead and practice some of these skills, I think they would really benefit for the test. **** This is not required and nothing will be turned in, but I want to give those that want the practice, a chance to do so. They can also go onto Prodigy to practice their math skills.

Lastly, progress reports will be coming out again very shortly after we return from Thanksgiving break. I encourage you to take a look at your child's grades. If you are unsure how to do this, I posted directions in my previous post. You are welcome to reach out to me during the break if you have questions. Remember, that this is the first year they will be receiving letter grades, so I have been discussing with students what a letter grade actually means (since they have not familiar with fractions or percents, which directly correlate with letter grades!). Again, please feel free to contact me with any questions!

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