Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Homework and Quick Announcement

Hello wonderful 3rd grade parents! First off, the homework is listed below:
1) read 20 minutes
2) Prodigy Math Game (not required, but encouraged)
3) Spelling Homework for Tuesday night. All students have the same words this week because past and present tense is an important concept for all! The words are listed below.
4) If your child did not finish their classwork summary, I have attached my copy below. They may copy mine (since we did it together) and submit it to me tomorrow.

Announcement: Today, our class talked about having an emotional bank account and what that means. We talked about making deposits into our emotional bank accounts and withdrawals and examples of each of those. It is a part of the Leader in Me process that our school has adopted, so I encourage you to ask your child about this! We had some great conversations in class about how we feel when we make deposits into our own, or another person's emotional bank account! :)


Word Sort (everyone has the same one this week) :

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